Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

Needs of living things

Living things are always around kita.Manusia, animals, and plants are living things. Characteristic features of living things that can differentiate with inanimate objects are: need food, body, breed, sensitive to stimuli (iribtablita), stir, breathe, and adjust to lingkngan (adapt).
Need food
    For living things, food is useful to gain power or energy to replace dead cells or cell parts rusak.Pertumbuhan and manage all the processes in the body.
    Food grown plants is water, salt minerals, and substances of substances contained in tanah.Makanan herbivores and carnivores in the form of plants of other animal prey.
    Human food sources from plants and animals which contain many nutrients as set out in four of five perfectly healthy diet.
    Humans were born a little baby, grow into a child, then a teenager, then became an adult human. Likewise, animals and plants are also experiencing growth.
    Signs of growth of living things is the presence of large growth, height and weight.
    Water is very useful as solvents in our bodies.
    Growing is a creature living in the body changes from a small start up to be great.
    The growth of living beings is strongly influenced by diet, age and health of living beings is sendiri.Kecepatan growth of the living body is different.
    Living things move in order to obtain food and avoid enemies.
    Humans and animals can move without being affected environment, this is called active motion.
    Plants can move but can not relocate because of environmental influences are called passive motion.
    Moving animals using a limb that is:
    • Using the foot called the walking or running, such as oxen and buffaloes
    • Using your abdominal muscles or body referred to reptiles, snakes misalanya
    • Using so-called swim fins, such as fish
    • Using so-called flying wing, such as birds

    Breed means to multiply, living things reproduce in order to preserve the breed jenisnya.Makhluk life by childbearing.
    Animal breeding dengna betelur way, childbirth or dividing.
    1. Animals lay eggs called ovipar, such as chickens and ducks
    2. Childbearing is called viviparous, such as horses and goats
    3. Divide, such as amoebae
    Plant breeding by:
    1. Seeds, such as rice and maize
    2. Bulbs, such as onions and garlic
    3. Stem tuber, such as potatoes and dahlias
    4. Bud stems, such as bananas and bamboo
    5. Leaf buds, misalnyatumbuhan cocor duck
    6. Live roots, such as turmeric and galangal
    Iritabilita living beings is the ability to receive and respond to stimulation from the environment, examples of our eyes shut if it will touch the objects, plants embarrassed daughter leaves shut when touched, releasing lizard tail when attacked by enemies.
    Farming is a form of raising animals, things that need to be considered in breeding is the maintenance of seeds, provision of food and beverages, provision of vaccines and treatment and making a good home and sehat.Ciri features a healthy home building is strong enough, light can enter Matahati, easy change of air, and easy to clean.
    Pests are living things that destroy crops such as mice, birds, caterpillars and other lain.Pupuk an additional food for the plant fertilizers are some examples:
    1. Natural fertilizer is a fertilizer derived from natural alngsung, such as manure and green manure.
    2. Artificial fertilizer is a fertilizer that deliberately by humans, for example urea, ZA and other cage-lain.pupuk derived from animal manure, green manure bersal of leaf leaves. Dianmakan bad manure fertilizer guano.

      Humans can not live without animals and plants. 

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